If this is the case, why not stash away the old fax database machine and use it as a child's toy when necessary? Children are known to love objects that simulate objects that are being used by adults so your old fax machines can do the trick. If you fax database want, you can even have these old fax machines painted and drawn with flowers and cars so that they will look more appealing to the child. Of course, you should never let this children play with the old fax database machine unsupervised as fax machines have very small parts. 3. Use your old fax machine as a catharsis.
When you get frustrated with your boss, you can't fax database obviously take it out on him. There are also instances when in your haste, you get cranked up with a malfunctioning device. What do you do? Instead of taking it out on your boss or fax database equipment, take it out on the old fax machine. Who cares if it gets broken? It's not going to be used anyway. People have always been philosophical artists in themselves. They may not always fax database appear to be so but deep within, they are always thinking of newer ways to turn old scrap into something new and useful.
Very recently, I've had a couple of friends who have turned their old fax database machines into something creative and useful after they switched to online fax which rendered their old fax equipments obsolete. Since then, they've targeted fax database companies and individuals who have also made the switch to online fax and are now thinking of other things to do with their facsimiles. Here are some of the creative things that they did with their fax database collected machines: 1. Terrain or sceneries. There are various "adult toys/hobbies" that required more than your innate ability to put things together to play with.