Anyone with any level of experience and instruction can quickly get up to speed with this method. Marketing, especially for small to medium size email list businesses used to be a lot simpler. There weren't nearly as many options as there are today. Most of the marketing methods used in the past are still available. For example, magazine advertisements, billboards, networking groups, trade shows, radio.
TV to name a few. Add to those marketing methods all of the new methods brought about by the explosion in the online (Internet) marketplace, social media and mobile technology and today's business owner can be overwhelmed by the options. Online marketing methods fall into these categories: Display Advertising, Search Engine Marketing (with its related Search Engine Optimization), Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Affiliate Marketing and Content Marketing.
Mobile marketing brings some additional categories of its own: SMS Marketing, MMS Marketing, In-game Marketing, Mobile Web Marketing, QR Code Marketing and others. Not only are there many more marketing options, they are inherently embedded in technology that can confuse and frighten many business owners. They also bring with them a new set of terminology to learn. Terms like "Pay per Click (aka Cost per Click)", "Cost per Action", "Cost per Mille (aka Cost per Thousand Impressions)", AdWords and AdSense among others. Another dynamic to marketing in the online world is where to place your advertisements.